I'm So Bored With The UUA. . .

The UU Enforcer confesses on his blog that he listened to too much Cr@ss in his youth.

I guess that I must have listened to way too much of The Clash in my own mis-spent youth. . .

Here is - 'I'm So Bored with The UUA' ;-)

Abusive UU Ministers
They wanna shoot some shit
They shot some in Canuckistan
But now they can't avoid a wit. . .

UUA Presidents talk
To the dictators of the UU World
In fact they're giving orders
An' they "memory hole" my words

I'm so bored with the UUA
But what can I do?

UU hypocrites
Have a lot of cheek
'Cos the hypocrites in the UUA
Work seven days a week

Never mind the Seven Principles
Let's podcast the "UU-Hate" Tapes
I'll Trudeau Salute the U.C.M.
And I hope nobody escapes

I'm so bored with the UUA
But what can I do? ;-)

Too much hypocrisy In the UUA

Suck on hypocrisy In the UUA
