The Dagger of Sweet Reason Most Graciously and Benificently Answers The Quite Responsible Questions of The Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection

The Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection aka Indrax quite freely and most responsibly asked - What are you talking about?"

The Dagger of Sweet Reason Graciously and Benificently Answers -

As U*Us can see, at least sometimes. . . "The question IS the answer!" More properly, and certainly more genuinely more responsibly. . . "To question IS the answer!"

The Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection said -

As I have said before, your constant use of google search links is both uninformative and alienating.

Not at all my brother Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection. Most of my Google links go to Google search results that are either directly or somewhat indirectly. . . ;-) pertinent to the subject being discussed. Obviously there may be some free and responsible filtering involved, even quite necessary. . . OTOH Just the Google search results, in and of themselves. . . often contain very pertinent messages for U*Us® to quietly reflect upon, without even needing to proceed any further in yU*Ur® free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Most of my links to Google search results are highly informative and educational (indeed to the point of information overload. . .), while others are really and truly and genuinely quite entertaining. . .

The Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection said -

Seriously, as one webmaster to another. Links are a tool, use them only where it matters.

Be assured brother Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection that there is most certainly a "method" to my alleged or apparent "madness". I am using Google search results links as tools, indeed as cutting edge weapons, because I fervently and indeed quite fundamentally believe that doing so most certainly "matters" to the "matters" that are at "hand". . . and, in any case, at least some of my Google search result link tools aka weapons of mass distraction? are really quite "cool" if I say so myself!

For "example" -

What better way to expose U*U injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy than to link from the words of a "famous Unitarian" or indeed other famous people to Google search results, or individual web pages, that clearly and unequivocally "demonstrate" that U*Us are clearly and unequivocally "guilty" of saying things and doing things that make a complete mockery of the purported principles and purposes of U*Uism and other claimed U*U ideals?

As you and other U*Us should be ready, willing and indeed able to "see" ALL of my Google search results links "matter" to some degree or another. . . I do not however expect you or any other sane and rational person to follow ALL of these links, however some of my links really and truly and genuinely do point to Google search results that, besides being quite educational and informative. . . are also quite funny, even to the point of being quite devastatingly humorous! ;-) So the Dagger of Sweet Reason aka Robin" Edgar" issues a new U*U Jihad®" "fatU*Ua®" declaring -

The More The Merrier!"

Allah prochaine,

The Dagger of Sweet Reason,


P.S. Can you and other UUs "see" how the current lack of "documents" regarding genuine peace between me and UUs actually "matters" in this quite ludicrously drawn out "war of words" aka Unitarian Jihad aka U*U Jihad®? ;-) ;-)

NOW do you and other U*Us® "see" what "eye" mean about some of my "U*U Jihad®" links to pertinent Google search results being quite devastatingly hilarious? Do Unitarian Universalists aka UUs and now" aka U*Us really want to "do what it takes to raise and inspire life-long U*U's?" ;-) ;-)



Anonymous said…
"It's not a religious issue," says John Inder, who chairs the executive committee of the Church. "If he wants to believe that the moon and the sun are the eye of God, he can. But he insists on talking about it, wanting the Unitarians to 'investigate' it, and holding a day to celebrate it on the church premises. He's asking for things that aren't reasonable. He doesn't want to be a member like everybody else, he wants to have special consideration."

Edgar admits that his religious vision has been a cross to carry. "The last time my father spoke to me, he told me to stop kicking people in the balls."

Source of Quote
Robin Edgar said…
Thanks for passing me that ammunition "anonymous" I will get ® to it a bit later. . . Interstingly enough the Word verification code for my response here is "faety". . .
Robin Edgar said…
Am I "the Wizard of U*Us"?!


BTW The Word verification code for this post is - ibamdl ;-) ;-)
indrax said…
Not at all my brother Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection. Most of my Google links go to Google search results that are either directly or somewhat indirectly. . . ;-) pertinent to the subject being discussed.

That is irrelevant. They are uninformative precisely because there are too many of them.
If you want to say something, say it. That is being informative. implying somethng with a link that 99% of people won't follow because it's buried in a sea of other links that imply things doesn't inform anybody. Add that to the fact that once someone clicks on a search link, they might have to wade through the results to see what you are getting at.

You already write quite a bit by yourself, and it is asking something of people to read a long statement. Further asking them to derive meaning from even a fraction of your quantity links increases their wrkload exponentially.

FURTHER, many of your links to things link uu abuse merely point to other writings which in turn mention your abuse in passing, perhaps linking to gogle search results.

I still have not found a clear description of what happened.

I did find a few clear links to some old articles. Guess where I found them..
yes, the great memory hole-er is providing more useful clear information on your grievances than you are.

What better way to expose U*U injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy than to link from the words of a "famous Unitarian" or indeed other famous people to Google search results,

Say it. Quote them. Don't send your users dancing around the internet trying to track down.

I am a human being, I read text. I am not a web spider.
Robin Edgar said…
Um. . . What you found on Philocrites was a slight reworking of the initial post that I made to various UU blogs when first I entered the UU blogosphere a couple of months ago. . . Here is just one example amongst other very similar posts. Many of my initial were "memory holed" by UU bloggers very soon after I posted to their blogs.
indrax said…
But THIS is your blog, you can put whatever you want here. You could put a nice blow by blow account of what happened, but you haven't.
Robin Edgar said…
The Dagger of Sweet Reason Graciously and Beneficently replies to Brother Boot Knife of Quiet Contemplation's

I intend to get around to it soon. I guess that I am just tired of repeatedly providing blow by blow accounts to U*Us and having absolutely nothing come of it but further injustices, abuses and hypocrisy on the part of U*Us. There is a very well documented and highly detailed blow by blow account of this war of words spread all over the interconnected web of the internet (aka world wide web). Over the next few weeks I will make an effort to create a thread dedicated to doing just what you have asked for here and tieing everything together. I have just been having a bit too much fun with my U*U Jihad, especially after coming across CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett's genU*Uinely hilarioU*Us blU*Under, or shoU*Uld I say Sister BlU*UnderbU*Us of Immaculate Deceoption's sU*Urprisingly sU*UrrU*UptitioU*Us sU*Ubversion of U*Uism? I have become quite fond of The Dagger of Sweet Reason and his completely over the top U*U Jihad.

Allah prochaine,

The Dagger of Sweet Reason

Anonymous said…
I guess that I am just tired of repeatedly providing blow by blow accounts to ...[snip]...There is a very well documented and highly detailed blow by blow account of this war of words spread all over...

If you are not willing to put in the effort to bring the various information together into a clear and concise format then I don't see how you can realistically expect others to put in the effort. If you don't care enough to present the information why should anyone care?
Robin Edgar said…
You are misrepresenting what I said. The fact of the matter is that I already have "put in the effort to bring the various information together into a clear and concise format" in the past, quite repeatedly. . . At one point I even had a web site that provided the full texts of most if not all of the pertinent documents. Few U*Us cared about it back then, when plenty of information was readily available in one clear concise format, so it is not my highest priority to recreate work that was willfully ignored by U*Us years ago. I do expect to get around to it eventually just not *immediately*. . .

U*Us should care about this ongoing conflict and other U*U injustices and abuses, to say nothing of outrageous U*U hypocrisy, that occur within the U*U religious community for various reasons, not the least of these reasons being that the longer hypocritical U*Us delay and deny justice, equity and compassion in human relations, as well as willfully disregard and flagrantly flaunt purported U*U principles and ideals etc. the more the *image* of U*Uism is tarnished in the eyes of the general public, to say nothing of the eyes of God. . .

The Montreal Mirror articles mentioned above really should provide more than enough basic information about this ongoing war of words to cause good U*Us to wake up and smell the coffee and demand that the Unitarian Church of Montreal and indeed the UUA should responsibly take the steps that are necessary to bringing this conflict to a genuinely just, genuinely equitable and genuinely compassionate conclusion. The longer it goes on the worse U*Us and indeed U*Uism will look in the eyes of the *real* world.

Allah prochaine,

The Dagger of Sweet Reason