Do You Mean The Fundamentalist Atheist "Humanist" U*U Antireligious Bigots Andrea?

A Google search on - anti-religious Unitarians - turned up the following letter to the editors of the U*U World magazine.

At Their Worst

Dan Kennedy has said some of the things about militant atheism that should have been said long ago in Unitarian Universalist circles ("Are You with the Atheists?," January/February). Atheists, at their worst, can be as nasty, as self-righteous, and even as violent as Christian and Islamic fundamentalists.

The twentieth century was the first in which militant atheists gained significant political power. Quite often the results were horrifying. In Communist China, cadres destroyed Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian temples and herded monks and nuns into slave labor camps. Thousands of Jewish, Christian, and pagan religious leaders were murdered or imprisoned during the Stalinist years in the Soviet Union. Similar atrocities—committed in the name of "reason" and "progress"—have been seen in Cambodia, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and other nations.

Be grateful for the wall between church and state that protects U.S. citizens. It's a barrier that also defends Unitarian Universalists and others from government persecution directed by antireligious bigots. In order to appreciate the experience, talk with the Unitarians in Rumania who suffered through decades of Communist tyranny and abuse.

Andrea Liounis
Niantic, Connecticut

I can't help but wonder if Andrea Liounis is not so subtly hinting at the existence of "nasty", "self-righteous", and indeed "violent". . . antireligious atheist bigots within the U*U "religious community" itself in opening this letter to the editor by saying, "Dan Kennedy has said some of the things about militant atheism that should have been said long ago in Unitarian Universalist circles. . ." Of course I have been loudly and publicly speaking out against "nasty", "self-righteous", and indeed "violent" antireligious fundamentalist atheist "Humanist" bigots within the U*U "religious community" for over a decade now. . .


indrax said…
Do you want my help or not?

What did Drennan say?
Robin Edgar said…
It is now open to considerable question just how helpful your self-described "help" would be in this matter. You know very well what Rev. Ray Drennan said.

Here is something that Drennan said that you and other U*Us might find to be revealing and instructive -

"I am a preacher, and in every preacher there's a bit of *provocateur. . ."
indrax said…
So you can track down a lecture he gave, and quote from it, but you can't link to one place where you've supposedly transcribed the conversation?
Robin Edgar said…
That's correct. I cannot link to a document that is not posted to the internet at the moment. . .