U*U COP Gets An Earful From A Real Cop. . .

As I said in the preceding post about today`s day in court I do not want to say *too* much about what transpired in court but some things are just *too* good not to share with U*Us U*U Worldwide, to say nothing of the general public. . . Amongst the testimony of various U*Us that came into my possession for the first time today there is a written declaration from the Totalitarian Unitarian "Citizens` Police Officer" who I have been inspired to refer to as U*U COP. His written testimony comprises four paragraphs of U*U BS which, as usual. . . is quite misleading and even contains some outright falsehoods. But at least some of what he wrote does have the ring of truth to it for the simple reason that it is quite unlikely to be untrue.

And just what might that be U*Us ask?

Well here is the essence of the final paragraph of the so-called Unitarian Church of Montreal`s self-proclaimed "Citizens` Police Officer" which relates his version of a phone call that he made to the Montreal police force on the fateful day of Saturday September 29th, 2007. This Unitarian*Universalist U*U yet again called the Montreal police to yet again complain about my peaceful public protest against various U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal. To U*U COP`s "dismay" the *real* police officer who answered his phone call was "uncooperative" - even "antagonistic" - and "repeatedly" said that "the events" that U*U COP aka "Citizens` Police Officer" described to the *real* police officer "constituted" a "peaceful protest". . . When U*U COP asked the *real* cop whether a "peaceful protester" was "entitled" to "break the law (ie the city bylaws)" this query "simply elicited some shouting". . . When U*U COP asked for the name of the *real* cop, the *real* cop refused to give it to U*U COP and "hung up". . .

ROTFLMU*UO yet again. . .

Obviously U*U COP believes that he is above the law and is "entitled" to break a variety of Montreal municipal bylaws such as littering, and commit various low crimes and misdemeanors such as petty theft, disturbing the peace, and disrupting traffic etc. in his chosen fate as a Totalitarian Unitarian "Citizens` Police Officer". . .
