U*U Media Whoring And Ersatz Civil Disobedience

Over on his Sparks In The Dark blog the pseudonymous U*U blogger who goes by the handle Ogre in the U*U "blogosphere", who I have some reason to believe is likely to be U*U ministerial hopeful Patrick McLaughlin, criticizes California civil servants for what he perceives as fake civil disobedience which he characterizes as "moral cowardice". Since I am not impressed with the ersatz "civil disobedience" of UUA President Bill Sinkford and other U*U ministers who commit minor crimes to get themselves arrested for the resulting media attention I fed Ogre's words right back to have with the following comment that I left on his blog -


Robin Edgar said...

Allow me to light a candle under hypocritical U*U asses and point out that the proverbial "bottom line" of some U*U "civil disobedience" is that UUA President Bill Sinkford and various other U*U ministers aren't committing real civil disobedience when they willfully block the entrances of buildings during protests in order to get themselves arrested on trespassing charges for the resulting photo-op and media attention.

They're not acting based on their moral beliefs because I am sure that most of them agree with laws against trespassing and would most probably use trespass laws themselves if protesters blocked the entrance of 25 Beacon Street or a Unitarian*Universalist "church". They're simply engaged in a gratuitous act that's most analogous to a media-whoring. They're not acting in a moral and consistent way, and they're almost certainly not willing to face the consequences of engaging in real civil disobedience by willfully breaking criminal laws that they are morally opposed to. Thin, thin stuff here and here, to say nothing of other instances of ersatz U*U "civil disobedience" butt enough to light a candle under some hypocritical U*U asses. . .

Update 20.06.2008 7:50pm EDT 4:50pm PDT

I had "reasonable grounds" to believe that "Ogre" would "memory hole" my comment that pointed out that outgoing UUA President Rev. Bill Sinkford and other U*U ministers were every bit as guilty of engaging in ersatz "civil disobedience" as the California civil servants that "Ogre" is accusing of "moral cowardice". So I checked back on his Spark's In The Dark blog immediately after reproducing my comment here. Sure enough he had already relegated my comment to the burgeoning "memory hole" of the U*U Word. Here is the follow-up comment that I left for this U*U "Ogre". I expect that it will be promptly "memory holed" too. . .

Robin Edgar said...

No problem Patrick. I expected you to "memory hole" my comment exposing U*U ersatz "civil disobedience" which is precisely why I checked back here soon after reproducing it on my blog.

Have a nice day,

Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger
