Purple U*U. . . Yet Again Denouncing Unitarian*Universalist Anti-religious And/Or Anti-Republican Bigotry

Here is the comment that I just successfully submitted to a blog post titled 'Purple America' on Rev. Christine Robinson's unmoderated (but sometimes censored after the fact aka "memory holed") iminister blog. It will be interesting to see if she has the personal integrity not to "memory hole" this critical comment. In light of the code of silence of U*U ministers I will not be all that surprised if Rev. Christine Robinson does "memory hole" my legitimate criticism of the UUA and its very aptly named Ministerial Fellowship Committee. OTOH I will be pleasantly surprised if Rev. Robinson sees fit to allow my comment to remain in place and be read by others -
Robin Edgar said...

Wow! If only the UUA and it's ever so aptly named Ministerial Fellowship Committee could show half as much integrity when a U*U minister writes an op-ed piece or blog post full of, bigoted, anti-Christian (or otherwise anti-religious) or anti-Republican anger. . .

After writing the above I decided to submit the following follow-up query. . .
Robin Edgar said...

Dare I ask when the U*U World will be vindicated for allowing intolerant and abusive U*U ministers to engage in anti-religious or anti-Republican bigotry with complete impunity?

Avenger's note: I have added three links to Google searches on Anti-Christian Unitarian*Universalists, Anti-religious Unitarian*Universalists and Anti-Republican Unitarian*Universalists that were not in my comment submitted to Rev. Robinson's blog post.
