Are The Seven Principles Genuinely Cherished By Unitarian*Universalists? My Experience And Observation Of U*Us Suggests That They Are Not. . .

Baltimore Unitarian Universalist Examiner Adrian Hilliard asserts that many U*Us have come to cherish the Seven Principles of Unitarian*Universalism in a blog post titled 'Unitarian Universalists gather in Salt Lake City for 48th annual General Assembly'. Needless to say my own experience and observation of the actual behavior of many Unitarian*Universalists calls into question just how many U*Us genuinely "cherish" the Seven Principles of Unitarian*Universalism and other claimed U*U ideals. Here is the comment that I just posted in response to Adrian Hilliard's blog post -

I don't see a whole lot of evidence of U*Us cherishing the Seven Principles of U*Uism. All too often I see U*Us, including U*U clergy and top level UUA officials, flagrantly disregarding the Seven Principles and even wantonly violating them. From what I have seen the Seven Principles aren't worth the paper they are written on or the breath that they are spoken with because too many U*Us make a complete mockery of them on an ongoing basis. For more information about how hypocritical U*Us disregard and violate the Seven Principles and other ideals U*Us supposedly "cherish" I suggest browsing thorough The Emerson Avenger blog or just Google - "Robin Edgar" and Unitarian principles. I look forward to the day when Unitarian*Universalists, especially U*U clergy and UUA administrators, will genuinely cherish their claimed principles and ideals and make a sincere effort to genuinely honor and uphold them rather than repeatedly disregard them and outright violate them.
