The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) Delegates' Blog Moderators Censor And Suppress Legitimate Criticism And Dissent. . .

Sean Welsh has seen fit to censor and suppress aka "memory hole" some perfectly legitimate critical comments that I submitted to some blog posts made by his partner Louise Hornor on the CLF Delegates' Notes blog. Here are the two comments that were posted to Louise Hornor's Thinking About Being Taken Seriously blog post which Sean Welsh "memory holed" twice. . .


Robin Edgar said...

:Hallman and Morales wrote eloquently of the need to challenge hate speech and hate actions in our world. The comments were very discouraging, effectively calling UUs "chicken little" and hypocrites.

I was amongst those commenters. If I suggested that U*Us are hypocrites it is because I am a victim of what can be properly described as "hate speech" spouted by U*Us including intolerant and abusive U*U clergy. Yes, both Hallman and Morales wrote eloquently of the need to challenge hate speech and hate actions in our world but both conveniently left the U*U World out of that equation. . . Hate speech and various actions motivated by hate, or at least intolerance and discrimination of various kinds, take place in the so-called U*U World (i.e. the greater U*U religious community if that term may be used to describe what Rev. Peter Morales calls "a tiny, declining fringe religion. . .) on an ongoing basis yet little or nothing is done to confront hate speech and hate actions perpetrated and/or perpetuated by U*Us themselves. I see virtually no difference between Rev. Ray Drennan's bigoted and slanderous labeling of Creation Day as "your cult" and Jim David Adkisson's malicious labeling U*Uism as a cult as part and parcel of his self-confessed hate crime against U*Us yet when I complained about Rev. Ray Drennan's bigoted "hate speech" which arose out of his militant atheist anti-religious intolerance and bigotry the UUA pretended that his obviously intolerant and abusive behavior was "within the appropriate guidelines of ministerial leadership". . . To this day the UUA has not changed that untenable position and apologized to me for allowing Rev. Ray Drennan to get away with "murder" in the form of character assassination. I hold out some hope that Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman or Rev. Peter Morales will do the proverbial "right thing" soon after being elected President of the UUA and start cleaning up the mess left by President Bill Sinkford's legacy of neglect and failure when it comes to this case and other cases of U*U clergy misconduct.

I think that it is worthwhile repeating the comment that I posted to Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman's and Rev. Peter Morales' co-authored opinion editorial titled Changing the climate that's feeding hate crime in the Salt Lake Times. It is high time that U*Us responsibly acknowledged their own internal problems with "hate speech" that leads to actions motivated by intolerance, bigotry and hate even if those actions do not go quite so far as actually murdering people. I look forward to climate change in the U*U World. . . There is plenty of harm done well before anyone is ever killed as a result of "hate speech". Herewith my comment, please be so kind as not to cover up and hide this legitimate criticism of U*U involvement and implication in various kinds of "hate speech" by "memory holing" it -
6:27 AM

Robin Edgar said...

Some Unitarian*Universalists, including some intolerant and even outright bigoted U*U clergy, are themselves guilty of targeting people with oppression and exclusion based on identity. No shortage of God believing people and/or political conservatives find themselves to be considerably less than welcome in some U*U "Welcoming Congregations". Indeed, while serious physical violence may be rare amongst U*Us, psychologically abusive verbal violence, some of which can be justifiably described as hate speech, is tolerated and even condoned by U*Us, including top level UUA administrators. I look forward to the day when the UUA finally gets around to responsibly confronting the violence, oppression and exclusion that I and other people have been subjected to by Unitarian*Universalists including U*U clergy.

For the record I have been physically assaulted by U*Us and had threats uttered against me by U*Us for daring to confront U*U oppression and exclusion, and other U*U injustices and abuses, with peaceful public protest. For more than a decade the UUA has obstinately refused to respond to my serious grievances about the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry of Rev. Ray Drennan and other U*Us with anything even remotely resembling justice, equity and compassion in human relations. To its shame the UUA has allowed the cancer of anti-religious intolerance and bigotry and other oppression and exclusion within the so-called U*U World to go unchallenged for decades. Top level UUA officials, including UUA President Bill Sinkford, have obstinately maintained complicit silence in response to my own and other people's serious grievances about U*U oppression and exclusion, indeed some of them have actively participated in oppression and exclusion and/or expressly condoned it. . . The UUA has not only ignored oppressive hate speech spouted by U*U clergy but has even pretended that intolerant and abusive hate speech is "within the appropriate guidelines of ministerial leadership."

Believe it or not the Word Verification Cords for this comment is - wirds
6:27 AM

Here is the third comment that I posted prior to resubmitting the two above comments which Sean promptly "memory-holed" again. . .


I am reposting my two comments that you censored and suppressed aka "memory holed" because, far from being "unrelated in any way to the content of the posts to which they were supposedly commentary" as you have falsely alleged they are very much on topic to this blog post. If you delete my comments a second time I will be blogging about your misguided attempts to cover up and hide the fact that A) some U*Us, including U*U clergy, are guilty of engaging in various kinds of "hate speech" and bigotry themselves and B) President Bill Sinkford himself, the UUA Board and UUA administration more generally, the UUA's very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, and implicated U*U congregations have responded in a grossly negligent and effectively complicit manner to my complaints about "hate speech" and other intolerance and bigotry that I and other people have been subjected to by U*Us, including intolerant, hostile, and abusive U*U clergy. If U*Us want to be "taken seriously" when they speak out against "hate speech" and other intolerance and bigotry the UUA would be very well advised to responsibly confront the "hate speech" and other intolerance and bigotry that U*Us engage in themselves. I repeatedly gave the UUA opportunities to do just that over the course of Rev. Bill Sinkford's 8 year term as President of the UUA but he and the UUA abjectly failed, if not obstinately refused, to address what President Sinkford himself once acknowledged as "obviously deep concerns."

For the record, censoring and suppressing legitimate criticism and dissent disregards and violates both explicit and implicit U*U principles and ideals. As far as I am concerned suppression of criticism and dissent is part and parcel of institutional stonewalling and denial and thus something that U*Us call *oppression*.
11:48 AM

Here are the two follow-up comments that I posted to Sean's Rules For This Blog post which is a rather lame attempt to justify aka rationalize his "memory-holing" aka "cover up" of the U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy that my legitimate comments exposed and denounced -


Robin Edgar said...


I have resubmitted two of the three comments that you suppressed and have provided my reasons for doing so. I would urge you not to delete those two comments again. AFAIAC both comments were "legitimate commentary on this blog" and bu no means "unrelated in any way to the content of the posts to which they were supposedly commentary." In fact that statement can be properly described as a falsehood and, if it was a knowing and willful falsehood, it is what is commonly known as a lie. Prior to your "memory holing" of my legitimate comments on Louise's blog post, which quite frankly I resent being described as SPAM and just now note that you have once again deleted in spite of my suggestions that you should not do so. . . and your posting of this questionable blog post attempting to justify your "cover up" of U*U injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy I had no grievances with you personally but I do now. As I said I will be blogging about your censorship and suppression of my legitimate criticism and dissent on The Emerson Avenger blog soon enough.
12:26 PM

Robin Edgar said...

Here's the deal Sean. I will be blogging about your censorship and suppression of my legitimate comments on The Emerson Avenger blog as stated above. Still, I think that you would be well advised to responsibly reconsider your misguided decision to disregard U*U principles and claimed ideals about freedom of speech and become an active participant in U*U "cover up" of well-documented U*U injustices and abuses. I would urge you to reinstate the perfectly legitimate *on-topic* critical comments that you chose to hide from U*U eyes.


Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger
12:46 PM
