Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang Is Truly Atrocious But Don't Take My Word For It. . .

Take her word for it. :-)

Sorry U*Us but I just couldn't help myself.

When will U*Us finally *real* in this wild and crazy U*U minister?

Needless the CHEEZY BUGGER refers to Rev. Victoria Weinstein's lurid "sodomy fantasy" imagining U.S. state senator Bill Napoli "anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch". U*Us know the one, the "cheezy bugger" that "retired" Congregational Services Director Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris and Ministerial Fellowship Committee Executive Secretary Rev. Beth Miller so negligently and complicitly allowed Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang have with complete impunity. Oh well I guess these hypocritical U*U asshats can have Peacebang's "cheezy bugger" and eat it too. . . :-)

Giving credit where credit is due. . .

No doubt Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang can relate. ;-)



Her_Dotness said…
I am astounded and appalled by Weinstein's additions to her Peacebang site since I last saw it a little over a year ago.

Beauty tips for Ministers???? I still don't believe I saw those. I thought for a moment she was joking somewhat inappropriately. Instead, she appears intent upon abandoning all claim to any of the dignity one ordinarily expects a minister to display.

If she wants to put this schlock on Facebook or one of those other silly sites that almost no one but the person blogging cares an iota about, fine. Kindly do so and spare Unitarian Universalism from appearing more tawdry and trivial than it already seems intent upon doing.