Rev. Diane Olenick Rollert Of The Unitarian Church Of Montreal Has Rejected My R.S.V.P. Invitation To Stand On The Side Of Love And Justice. . .

The following email was sent to Rev. Diane Olenick Rollert aka Rev. Diane Rollert of the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal on the second day of Chalica Tuesday December 8, 2009. All previous emails sent to her were attached to it. Rev. Rollert has quite predictably abjectly failed and obstinately refused to respond to this email in an even remotely responsible manner. This is pretty much par for the course for Rev. Diane Rollert, other leaders of the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal, Montreal Unitarian U*Us more generally, and indeed Unitarian*Universalists in general.

A Chalica Invitation To Honor & Uphold Justice, Equity and Compassion In Human Relations
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 11:03 PM
From: "Robin Edgar"
To: "Diane Rollert"

Tuesday December 8, 2009

Dear Rev. Rollert,

Today is the second day of Chalica which is dedicated to honoring the second principle of Unitarian*Univeralism which calls for justice, equity and compassion in human relations.

I hereby cordially invite you to respond in responsibility to the spirit and the letter of the attached emails, which you have quite willfully disregarded and ignored for over three years now, in a manner that actually honors and upholds justice, equity and compassion in human relations, rather than in the remarkably negligent and irresponsible manner that not only made a total mockery of these Unitarian*Universalist principles and ideals but only served to prolongue, exacerbate, and escalate the drawn out "war of words" which I have been seeking to resolve in a genuinely just and equitable manner for over a decade now.

Your remarkably ill advised decision to seek a restraining order against me in order to try to prevent any possibility of dialogue, and to abrogate or suppress my constitutionally guaranteed right to engage in peaceful public protest against the demonization and marginalization and other injustices and abuses that I have been subjected to by Montreal Unitarians was, from my perspective, a perversion of justice and an obstruction of justice. I expect that of most other people who care to freely and responsibly search for the truth and meaning of my legitimate protest against U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy will concur.

It is time for you to and other Montreal Unitarian U*Us to gather up the moral courage to acknowledge the numerous "mistakes" that you have made in your "less than perfect" human relations with me, and to provide me with some real and tangible restorative justice for the obvious harm and damage that you are either directly responsible for perpetrating, or indirectly responsible for perpetuating as a result of your effectively complicit negligence and indifference. Montreal Unitarians can start by delivering appropriate formal apologies to me. To do anything less is to knowingly and willfully continue to delay justice, equity and compassion in your human relations with me, in order to outright deny justice and equity.

I am more than open to discuss these matters with you and/or other Montreal Unitarians towards the end of reaching an genuinely just and equitable resolution of this ludicrously drawn out conflict. I will indefinitely suspend my peaceful public protest as long as you and other Montreal Unitarians agree to enter into dialogue with me and that dialogue proves to be worthwhile and fruitful. Such an offer of a completely voluntary standing down from my protest in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal has always been open to Montreal U*Us but Montreal Unitarians have consistently refused to enter into dialogue with me since I began my protest in the spring of 1998. Had you responsibly agreed to enter into dialogue with me when I first sent you the attached emails over three years ago now this conflcit might already have been resolved to my satisfaction by now.

A failure to respond to this R.S.V.P. invitation will be interpreted as a knowing and willful rejection of this invitation to actually practice what you preach and I will govern myself accordingly. It would be far better for you and other Montreal Unitarians to start standing on the side of love by standing on the side of genuine justice, equity and compassion.for me and other people who you have demonized and marginalized or otherwise treated unjustly.


Robin Edgar
