Standing On The Side Of Love For Unitarian Universalist Clergy Misconduct Victims & Survivors During Standing On The Side Of Love Month 2012

Here are a few recently shot U*UTube videos of The Emerson Avenger "Standing On The Side Of Love" for any and all victims and "survivors" of clergy misconduct aka clergy abuse perpetrated by "less than perfect" Unitarian Universalist clergy and perpetuated for decades by the gross negligence and effective complicity of several successive UUA Presidents' administrations, the UUA Board of Trustees, the UUA Board sub-committee known as the Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee aka MFC, the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association aka UUMA, and any and all other "ordinary" Unitarian Universalists who have followed in the footsteps of obstinately DIM Thinking Montreal Unitarians who have willfully ignored my picket signs for more than 13 "less than lucky" years now.
