Ellen Skagerberg Is A Poster Girl For U*U Community Denial Of U*U Clergy Abuse aka Yet Another DIM Thinking Unitarian Universalist. . .

Ellen Skagerberg is a "Buddhist Unitarian-Universalist Bookseller" aka BU*UB which can do double duty as a Big Fat U*U Acronym for "Buddhist Unitarian*Universalist Bullshitter". . . and, to borrow a few choice words from Peacebang, Ellen is *also* a poster girl for Unitarian Universalist community denial of Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse of ALL kinds.

Without further ado, here is my point by point re*butt*al of a comment that Ellen Skagerberg posted on Peacebang's Facebook site:

:P.S. I didn't see the agitator's message, but I think I know who you mean.

Here's "the agitator's message" Ellen, with some added links to pertinent blog posts so that you and other DIM Thinking U*Us, to say nothing of the general public, can engage in a free and *responsible* search for its Big Fat U*U Truth and meaning. . .

Good Lord, did you see that crazy U*U minister in the pulpit in First Parish Norwell? Boy, oh boy. That is NOT a with-it looking individual. I presume that she was drunk or off her meds. If not, she is definitely struggling to cope with existing in several realities at a time. The news reporter spoke of "unimaginable crime." To which I replied, "What's unimaginable about anally impaling a person of inherent worth and dignity on the Statue of Liberty's torch any more? It happens on a regular basis in the manic mind of Peacebang!" Insanity + violence culture + easy access to Big Fat AbsolU*Ution = all too imaginable crime nowadays. And that faux leopard skin sweater. Gives me the shivers. Fear, anger and pity. Sorrow, sorrow, sorrow.

Read it and weep for your mentally ill aka "crazy" U*U "guru" Peacebang and her Big Fat U*U Contributions to ensuring that Unitarian Universalism remains "a tiny, declining, fringe religion". . .

:It's "irrational" of him to decide that an organization is to blame for his anxiety and to commit his life to exposing that organization's supposed lies and hypocrisies (after they had enough of the hi-jinks and kicked him out), and while that doesn't make him interesting, most of us aren't calling for him to be institutionalized for it either.

You are the one who is being "irrational" Ellen. I don't have a great deal of anxiety but the organizations aka institutions known as Unitarian Universalist churches, including the Unitarian Church of Montreal, and the Unitarian Universalist Assocaiation Of Congregations are most certainly to blame for any anxiety caused to me and/or numerous other persons of inherent worth and dignity by intolerant and abusive U*U clergy and their negligent and effectively complicit UUA enablers like Rev. Diane Miller, Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris and Rev. Beth Miller, not to mention the last three UUA Presidents and the Dick Cheney of the U*U World, UUA Executive Vice President Kathleen "'Kay" Montgomery. . . Likewise, Unitarian Universalist "churches" are to blame for anxiety caused by the various other U*U injustices and abuses that they either directly perpetrate, or indirectly perpetuate via negligence and institutional stonewalling etc.

Be assured that I am exposing and denouncing readily verifiable *actual* "lies and hypocrisies" of the leaders of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, other U*U "churches", and the UUA, not "supposed lies and hypocrisies". The same may be said about the other *actual* aka real Unitarian Universalist injustices and abuses that I am exposing and denouncing. They are by no means just "perceived injustices" as DIM Thinking U*Us like to pretend.

As far as my alleged "hi-jinks" go, they are no more "hi-jinks" than the letter writing, petitioning, peaceful public protest, and other non-violent direct action that Unitarian Universalists engage in when they are exposing and denouncing perceived or actual injustices and abuses. In fact my alleged "hi-jinks" are arguably less "disruptive" than the ersatz civil disobedience that UUA leaders and U*U clergy have engaged in over the years. The Unitarian Church of Montreal misused and abused the UUA's "Disruptive Behavior Policy" in its misguided efforts to prevent me from seeking justice for the abuses I was subjected to by Rev. Ray Drennan and other "church" leaders.

In 1997 I was "kicked out" of the so-called Unitarian Church of Montreal for six months for doing nothing more than placing an important letter of grievance in the internal mail boxes of the UCM's Board members and other leaders of this sorry excuse for a Unitarian church, as this online reproduction of the letter informing me of my expulsion proves. What exactly is "disruptive" about *that* peaceful and civil behavior pray tell? I was later permanently expelled from this so-called Unitarian Church in November of 1999 for tarnishing its image by engaging in peaceful public protest outside of it.

Saying "most of us aren't calling for him to be institutionalized for it either" implies that *some* outrageously hypocritical Unitarian Universalists actually are calling for me to be institutionalized. Just being *rational* here Ellen. . . Regardless of whether or not any Unitarian Universalists are actually calling for me to be "institutionalized", far too many U*Us, including the obviously mentally ill Reverend Doctored Victoria Weinstein, *are* name-calling me "crazy", "unwell", "psychotic", "delusional", a "sick person" etc. etc. ad nauseum. . . Let's not forget that this little war of words began after the bigoted "fundamentalist atheist" "Cosmic Humanist" U*U "pastor" Rev. Ray Drennan intolerantly and abusively dismissed my revelatory religious experience that I was trying to explain to him by rudely interrupting me to say -

"You mean your psychotic experience."

And immediately following up on that abusive "diagnosis" by angrily demanding that I seek "professional help" immediately. The sad fact of the matter is that abusive Unitarian Universalists have been maliciously pathologizing me since at least 1996 but this bad U*U habit continues to this very day. . .

And Unitarian Universalists are certainly trying to criminalize me since at least December 2000 if not from the earliest stages of this conflict. . . The recent arrogant and hypocritical cease and desist demand letter that Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors served me on behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Association is just the most recent installment of *that* Big Fat U*U Plan.

:Still, I don't view him as a free spirit following his countercultural passion; in comparison to unconsciously disruptive (needy) people, he elevates his vendetta to a grand, intergalactic mission which is strictly negative in intent.

Wrong Ellen. The intent of my alleged "vendetta" is to persuade the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the UUA to finally get around to providing long overdue restorative justice for ALL victims of abusive U*U clergy, be that clergy abuse sexual in nature or non-sexual clergy misconduct, and to responsibly revise and reform badly flawed UUA clergy misconduct policies and procedures that are serious "systemic injustices". Above and beyond that, I am exposing and denouncing the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry that is sadly all too common in the "Uncommon Denomination". . . 

How "strictly negative" is *that* intent Ellen?

Pray tell. . .

:What a waste. It's like watching some preschooler run around trying to knock down other kids' building blocks all day long, instead of engaging in the laborious and uncertain process of trying to build something worthwhile. (Hope "R" isn't listening in.)

"R" wasn't "listening in" Ellen, but his very good friend the alleged "internet stalker" The Emerson Avenger did have a peek at Peacebang's Facebook page. Perhaps you should practice the "art of listening" that U*Us are supposed to so value before shooting your Big Fat U*U Mouth off again. . . Need I remind you and other DIM Thinking U*Us that I *was* "engaging in the laborious and uncertain process of trying to build something worthwhile" before Rev. Ray Drennan and other intolerant and abusive Unitarian Universalists banned Creation Day from being celebrated in the Unitarian Church of Montreal and falsely and maliciously slandered Creation Day as a "cult"? In any case, AFA*I*AC I AM engaging in the laborious and uncertain process of trying to persuade the UUA to responsibly acknowledge the regrettable fact that it has miserably failed, and even obstinately refused. . . to respond with genuine justice, equity, and compassion to my own and other people's clergy misconduct complaints arising from non-sexual forms of U*U clergy abuse, and to formally and publicly apologize to ALL of us and to responsibly reform the UUA's lax and flawed clergy misconduct. Isn't *that* an attempt to "build something worthwhile" Ellen?
