Roy Speckhardt, Executive Director Of The American Humanist Association aka AHA, And The Crime Of Blasphemous Libel - What's The Connection?

Well, for the time being anyway. . . the immediate and timely connection between Roy Speckhardt, current Executive Director Of The American Humanist Association, and the criminal act of 'Blasphemous Libel' is the following comment that I just submitted in response to Roy's Huffington Post Opinion Editorial aka Op/Ed titled -

'What the Libyan Embassy Attack Teaches Us About True Religious Freedom'

My comment is currently being held for "moderation" aka censorship by Huffington Post moderators, as per the notice saying, 'This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.' in the screenshot that I took of the submitted comment and posted below. Without further ado, here is the full text of my comment with some additional hyperlinks to assist persons of inherent worth and dignity to engage in a free and responsible search for its Truth and meaning. . .

"Ideally, criticism should be constructive and remain polite and reasoned, but even if the remarks made are vulgar and offensive, the same legal protections regarding free speech and religious freedom must be maintained."

Roy can I call you as a defence witness if the Unitarian Universalist Association aka The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ actually has me charged for the crime of "blasphemous libel" for allegedly making "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape"?

Yes, believe it or not, outrageously hypocritical Unitarian Universalist "religious leaders" at UUA headquarters in Boston have actually had me served with a rather questionable cease and desist demand letter that (falsely) accuses me of the criminal act of "blasphemous libel" because I blogged about some Unitarian Universalists who were in fact convicted of the forcible rape of vulnerable teenage Tibetan refugees in one case, and forcibly raping preteen girls including "a female family member" in another case. Surely these "despicable" rapes committed by Unitarian Universalists are rather more appropriately described as "vicious" than my critical blog posts about them. . .

BTW As far as "violent actions taken by individuals on the grounds of defending their faith from outside criticism" goes I have been physically assaulted by Unitarian Universalists and have had "death threats" uttered against me as a result of engaging in peaceful public protest against the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry of "fundamentalist atheist" UU "Humanists".


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