The 2nd Day Of Chalica 2013 And Shamefully Hubristic Unitarian Universalist Perversion Justice - What's The Connection?

I observed the second day of Chalica 2013 by sending the following "electronic communication" to Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe reminding him that I expect him, and Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors as a law firm, to formally withdraw their ludicrous false accusations against me which include, but are not limited to, falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel for allegedly making "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the (Unitarian Universalist) Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", in shameful Lance Armstrong style legal bullying which seeks to misuse Canada's blasphemy law to intimidate me into "memory holing" blog posts about UU sex offenders who have actually been convicted of engaging in "such despicable crimes" as pedophilia and-or rape.

Who would have thought that Unitarian Universalists would ever seek to pervert justice to protect perverts from public criticism?

Indeed who would have thought that Atheist Unitarians such as UUA Executive Vice President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery and UUA President Rev. Peter Morales would ever accuse anyone of any form of blasphemy for any reason whatsoever?

The hubris.

The Big Fat U*U Hubris. . .

Without Prejudice

Tuesday December 3, 2013

Dear Maitre Coulombe,

Happy 2nd Day of Chalica. The week long Unitarian Universalist holiday dedicated to the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. Today's observance of Chalica is dedicated to celebrating the 2nd Principle of UUism which affirms and promotes justice, equity and compassion in human relations.

It is now just over 18 months since you sent me this wonderful example of Lance Armstrong style legal bullying that seeks to intimidate me into deleting as yet unidentified The Emerson Avenger blog posts about Unitarian Universalist sex offenders who have in fact been convicted of engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", by falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel on the "less than truthful" grounds that I have allegedly made "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in
such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape." As I am sure you recall, I long ago made it abundantly clear to you and your "less than honest" client, the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, that my comparatively few blog posts about convicted UU rapists such as Rev. Mack W. Mitchell and Richard "Dick" Buell were neither "unfounded" nor particularly "vicious".

As much as I have been thoroughly enjoying the truly unique honour and privilege being falsely accused of the archaic criminal act known as blasphemous libel by incredibly foolish Atheist Unitarian leaders of the Unitarian Universalist Association I none-the-less feel obliged to remind you and your stunningly hubristic client(s) that I expect both Stikeman Elliott LLP Barristers & Solicitors and the Unitarian Universalist Association to formally withdraw this ludicrous, and indeed quite perjurious, false accusation against me and to formally and publicly apologize to me for having had the audacity, indeed the unmitigated gall and utterly shameful hubris. . . to falsely accuse me of making "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" when both you and your client(s) were in fact very well positioned to know perfectly well that my The Emerson Avenger blog posts about UU minister Rev. Mack W. Mitchell and the "pedophile rapist" Richard Buell engaging in the despicable crime known as rape were by no means "unfounded and vicious", as you formally and falsely alleged in your arrogant and aggressive cease and desist demand letter dated May 29, 2012.

Likewise, I expect your "less than honest" client Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein (aka Peacebang) and her complicit UUA enablers at 25 Beacon Street in Boston to publicly acknowledge that Rev. Weinstein’s self-described "sodomy fantasy", which obscenely and even quite sadistically imagined "South Dakota state senator Bill Napoli anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty’s torch", is actually more justifiably described as being "threatening and defamatory conduct amounting to sexual harassment" (of Republican state senator William Napoli) than my allegedly "threatening and defamatory" The Emerson Avenger blog posts which publicly criticize Rev. Victoria Weinstein’s verbally and psychologically abusive (dare I say "unbecoming and vicious" Maitre Coulombe?) conduct unbecoming a minister. Sadly, it is a very well-documented fact that your negligent and complicit clergy abuse enabling client the Unitarian Universalist Association
effectively condoned Rev. Weinstein’s sadistic sodomy fantasy, along with her other psychologically abusive behavior, when I filed a formal clergy misconduct complaint against her in the fall of 2006. The following The Emerson Avenger blog posts provide a complete record of my "electronic communications" with former Congregational Services Director Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris & and the UUA's former Director of Ministry and Professional Development (as well as Executive Secretary of its Ministerial Fellowship Committee) Rev. Beth Miller regarding your client Rev. Victoria Weinstein's conduct unbecoming a minister.

So when are your clients going to start living up to Unitarian Universalism's Second Principle, which clearly calls upon UUs to affirm and promote "justice, equity and compassion in human relations", rather than hypocritically, foolishly, and more than a little bit hubristically. . . making a total mockery of the 2nd Principle by engaging in various forms of shameful perversion of justice?

Furthermore, when will you and Stikeman Elliott LLP Barristers & Solicitors as a law firm responsibly acknowledge that you have engaged in utterly shameful Lance Armstrong style legal bullying that seeks to intimidate me into deleting aka "memory holing" blog posts that tell the well-documented truth about Unitarian Universalist sex offenders who have not only engaged in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" but who have actually been convicted of
"such despicable crimes" in a court of law?

I long ago made it clear to you that I am demanding a formal apology for your ludicrously
hubristic and utterly shameful Lance Armstrong style legal bullying. When will you finally dredge up the moral courage and personal integrity that is required to genuinely practice some justice and equity, to say nothing of compassion in your rather strained human relations with me Maitre Coulombe?



Robin Edgar

Here are 2 digital photographs of the arrogant and aggressive cease & desist demand letter that Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe had me served with on behalf of the UUA just over 18 months ago -

Maitre Coulombe has yet to shit or get off the pot. . .
