Montreal Unitarian David Rollert And Such Despicable Crimes As Pedophilia And Rape Committed By Certain Unitarian Universalist Ministers - What's The Connection?

How about this little Tweet of mine, which was directly inspired by Montreal Unitarian U*U David Rollert, the husband of the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal's "less than honest" U*U minister Rev. Diane Olenick Rollert, ever so happily smirking and smiling while he knowingly and willfully participated in the Unitarian Universalist religious community's deep-seated culture of secrecy and denial about U*U clergy sexual misconduct aka U*U clergy sexual abuse which includes, but is by no means limited to, what the UUA's Canadian attorney describes as "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", by aiding and abetting the Unitarian Church of Montreal's President Stanislaus Mackiewicz aka Stan Mackiewicz aka Stalinslaus "History Eraser" Mackiewicz in the erasing aka "memory holing" of my chalk slogans that protest against Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse of all kinds, and Unitarian Universalist cover-up and denial thereof?
